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[공지] We are a company that buys used instruments/violin sales/saxophone/horon/Cello/Trumpet/piano/accordi

How are you?!



This is Jin Music, a company specializing in buying used instruments.

(Mask is required to prevent corona 19).

we' buys secondhand instruments.


Clarinet, Buffet, Zembe, Korean traditional music, Trumpet, Saxophone, Englishhorn, bassoon, oboe, guitar,flute,drum,chello,violin,base,tenor,alto,soprano,Music accompaniment, haegeum, contrabass, kkwaenggari, marimba, electronic drum, electric violin, kuszweil, Albert, taepyeongso, gayageum, karma, Rolland, accordion, cymbal, Grand piano, tuba, Selma,

middle class, Goheunggon, Jeongak, Nangyeakchon,Ajaeng, Dominant, Old Violin, Old Violin, Old Cello, Old Violin, Sorigol, Electro-Drum, Ycl, Rodam, Geomungo, Soprano, eSoprano, 25 Hyun12 Hyun, Gongjung Musical Instruments,707,909, Sujapon, Uphonium, Model 37, Baha, 36 Hall, Stradivarius


we' buy other things, too.

I'm going to buy some instruments you don't use.

We're helping you buy or dispose of it.

I'm also buying instruments that need repairs.

To 010-5546-3555.

If you contact us, the staff will kindly help you!

(Please feel free to contact us as we can buy it regardless of region.)



We are visiting your home to make a purchase.

If you're uncomfortable with the door-to-door purchase, please designate a convenient location.

some times You can go directly to the store to proceed with the transaction.

If visiting purchase is not possible in areas other than Seoul and Gyeonggi-do;

Delivery or terminal transactions are under way.

have a good day!!!!